- Profile
- Colored light
- World
- Ambient occlusion: ON
- Materials
- Normal map: LabPBR
- Specular map: LabPBR
- Porosity: LabPBR
- Occlusion: LabPBR
- Reflections
- Clouds: ON
- Displacement
- Type: Smooth POM
- POM samples: 128
- Smooth POM shadows: ON
- POM shadow samples: 32
- Shadows
- Color blending: ON
How to configure shader settings
There are multiple ways to accomplish this, manually configuring, replacing shader settings with the settings from the website or simply copying settings file text and pasting it into existing settings.
Downloading and replacing settings file
Download the settings file, and save it on your computer.
Then go to the shaderpacks folder in your .minecraft directory.
Select the existing shader settings .txt file and copy its name.
Now delete that .txt file, and move the .txt file you downloaded from the website earlier to the shaderpacks folder.
Rename the .txt file with the name of the .txt file existed earlier.
If the game is running press “R” in-game to reload the shader.
Replacing text in shader settings file
Downloading and replacing settings file
Open the shader settings .txt file of your chosen shader.
Click copy text on the website to copy the text.